Enchant our clients with an innovative HCM platform aimed at bringing people together, sharing knowledge and facilitating overall relationships
LG has been helping business owners and employees of all sizes.
Addressing the main concerns regarding the workforce.
With 100% hassle free cloud-based solutions.
Integrated cloud platform
Providing key benefits to clients
SAVING OF R$ 300 THOUSAND / YEAR, with the automation of granting childcare policy.
OPTIMIZATION FROM 5 TO 2 MONTHS in the personnel budget planning process, after deploying the LG tool.
12 MONTHS was the unification time of the payroll base of the 5 companies from the group, whose expectation time was 2 years.
ECONOMY OF R$ 1 MILLION with 12 months of the payroll system operation.
3 MONTHS was the time of adaptation of processes to eSocial, with the support of products and services of LG.
REDUCTION FROM 10 DAYS TO 1 DAY of the accounting closing, after adoption of LG’s solution, which optimized the deadlines in the closing of the sheet.
¹ Award promoted by Grupo Top RH
² TOP 500 HCM survey conducted by Apps Run the World
³ Award promoted by Gestão HR
⁴ Awarded by Editora Segmento
⁵ Elected 19 times by Anuário Informática Hoje